Passports are a crucial document for any traveler. They serve as the main form of identification when traveling internationally. Without a passport, travelers won’t be able to enter an international country. It is also very difficult to get home without a passport. As such, it is important for travelers to take necessary precautions to keep their passports safe and secure. A lot of travelers may wonder, “What Should You Do with Your Passport While Traveling”? Conventional wisdom is to lock the passport in a hotel safe for the duration of the trip. If you know what it takes to get or renew a passport, that might be your guess too. However, that might not always be the correct decision. Here are some tips on what travelers should do with their passports while traveling.

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Carry the Passport with You
I am immediately going against some of the conventional wisdom surrounding passports. I am an advocate for carrying your passport with you when traveling internationally in most situations. The main reason for this is that most countries require visitors to have their passport with them at all times. Some countries even have laws that require visitors to produce it for identification purposes at any time. This is fairly common throughout Europe. While a driver’s license is a valid form of identification in the United States, this will not be accepted internationally.
In addition to the laws requiring all people to have identification, there are a variety of businesses that will ask for it. The most obvious include checking into a hotel or flying. The less obvious include picking up tickets at will call, claiming exemption from a VAT tax at a store, or hailing an Uber in some countries. It’s difficult to know when a valid identification may be necessary. Therefore, I choose to carry my actual passport with me the majority of the time.
If you are carrying your passport with you, keep it in a secure place. A money belt or secure, deep, zippered pouch of a bag are good options. Always keep an eye on it just as you do with all your money, credit cards, and phone (a backpack on your back isn’t in eyesight). Never leave your passport unattended, even for a moment. Be especially careful in crowded areas such as airports, train stations, and popular attractions where pickpockets and other thieves may be lurking. If you are traveling with a companion, make sure that both of you are aware of each other’s passports at all times.

Have Backup Identification Stored Separately
When your passport is being carried on your person everywhere, be sure to keep a photocopy of your passport and other important documents in a separate place. Most people are afraid to carry their passport with them due to the fear of it being lost or stolen. While you will definitely experience difficulties if your passport is lost or stolen, the experience will be greatly helped by having backup identification somewhere.
Additionally, make sure to have several copies of your passport and other important travel documents. I generally keep one set of copies in a separate location from the passport and keep another set in my hotel room safe. In the event that your passport is lost or stolen, having a copy of your passport can make it easier to obtain a replacement. As a bonus tip, I often keep digital copies as well on both my cell phone and in an accessible place in the cloud. This provides some peace of mind when carrying around your passport.

Store Your Passport in a Safe Place
It should go without saying that you should keep your passport safe. On the few occasions when I have chosen not to carry my passport with me, I ensure that it is stored in a secure location like a hotel safe. If your hotel room doesn’t have a safe, ask if you can store your passport at the hotel’s front desk. Alternatively, I have been known to put it in my luggage and lock the luggage when a safe wasn’t available.
When you are carrying your passport with you, it needs to be protected. Keep your passport dry. Water damage can render a passport useless. Store it in a waterproof container or plastic bag when carrying it with you. Keep it away from water sources such as the beach or pool. If your passport does get wet, let it dry completely before attempting to use it. Passports can also be easily damaged. Many passports have sensitive electronics embedded in the covers. These electronics can be damaged, so avoid bending or folding your passport. It’s also recommended to keep it away from extreme heat and cold.
The best advice is to store your passport in a protective cover or sleeve to prevent scratches and other damage. I don’t personally do this, but I do have specific pockets in a backpack that I normally carry my passport in. In this location, the passport is safe because it is buried deep protecting it from damage and separating it from everything else I carry in the backpack. I encourage you to determine what you’re comfortable with since you will live with the consequences if something goes wrong.
In summary, travelers should take every precaution to keep their passport safe and secure while traveling. This includes carrying it at all times, making copies, storing it in a safe place, keeping it dry and protected from damage, and being vigilant about its whereabouts. By following these tips, travelers can ensure a smooth and hassle-free international travel experience. If you have more questions about what to do with a passport while traveling, leave them below.