Traveling to Destinations with Checkered Safety Records
Traveling to Destinations with Checkered Safety Records

Traveling to Destinations with Checkered Safety Records

For those who follow the news, an unfortunate story aired this week about the kidnapping of four Americans and seemingly inadvertent death of two of those in Mexico. While the details of the tragedy are still being uncovered, the information that has come to light is that the four individuals crossed into Mexico from the United States to get a cosmetic medical procedure performed. Shortly after entering Mexico, the car the group was driving was caught by a Mexican cartel. Gunfire from the cartel forced the car to a halt, and the individuals were kidnapped. The current assumption is that the cartel mistook this group of Americans for drug smugglers which prompted the hostilities. For more complete news articles on this story, see coverage from the New York Post and Forbes. First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers are with the families and communities impacted by this tragedy. Second, this prompts me to think about traveling to destinations with poor safety records. This is often a consideration in my selection process of choosing travel destinations around the world.

My Safety Thought Process

I typically don’t mind traveling to locations that have less than stellar safety records overall. For example, in the past couple of years I have traveled to Colombia once and Mexico twice. I addition, I lived in Baltimore, Maryland for over 9 years. None of these places have excellent safety records. I often feel with appropriate safety precautions, going to the correct areas, and not engaging in illicit activity, most people are going to be fine in these locations. However, a story like this always shakes my confidence and makes me rethink my positions. The following is my thought process on considering where to travel based on safety records. It should go without saying that safety is a very personal topic. Therefore, make your own judgements based on your comfort levels.

Traveling Safety - Colombia Safety

Find the Black and White (Save Gray for Later)

Even though I have traveled to and plan to travel to places that have some crime issues, there are definitely some locations I won’t visit. These are the places that I wouldn’t think twice about going to from a safety perspective. I like to think of these as black and white because there are obvious reasons why not to travel there. For example, I’m not joining any lines to visit Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Venezuela, or several central-African countries (like Sudan, Mali, or Central African Republic). Even if these countries had the most beautiful structures and nature, the safety records of those countries would preclude my visit.

It’s always good to double check the data yourself, but I find the US State Department’s Travel Advisory page to be a helpful starting place. I believe that this page skews towards the overly cautious side. However, the countries that are listed as “Do Not Travel” should generally be avoided. On the other hand, I wouldn’t use the rest of the markings as gospel. For example, at the time of writing, the country of Colombia is listed as “Reconsider Travel”. It’s well known that Colombia has safety concerns, but there are ways to travel there safely. I recently completed a trip to Colombia and wrote about it here. As part of this journey, I examined the safety of Colombia here. Exercise caution and pick the cities carefully, but I wouldn’t remove the country from your list of travel destinations.

Traveling Safety - Security

Evaluate Your Comfort Level

When it comes to deciding on a travel destination with safety questions, there are several things to consider. Traveling is a fantastic way to explore new cultures and see different parts of the world. However, if you’re not comfortable with the destination, the experience will be less than fantastic. Here are some ways to evaluate your comfort level:

  1. Research the current situation: Before traveling to any destination, do your research on the current situation in the area. This means staying up to date on any travel advisories or warnings issued by the government. Also, check local news sources for any recent events or incidents that may impact your safety.
  2. Consider your personal risk tolerance: Everyone has a different risk tolerance when it comes to traveling. Some people are comfortable visiting destinations that are considered unsafe, while others prefer to stick to places that are deemed low risk. It’s essential to consider your own comfort level and assess whether you are willing to take on the potential risks of traveling to a particular destination.
  3. Look into the specific risks: While a destination may be considered unsafe, it’s essential to understand what specific risks you may face as a traveler. For example, some areas may have high rates of petty crime or theft, while others may be prone to natural disasters or political instability. Knowing the specific risks can help you make an informed decision about your personal comfort.
  4. Evaluate the potential benefits: While there may be risks associated with traveling to an unsafe destination, there may also be significant benefits. For example, you may have the opportunity to experience unique cultures or natural wonders that are not available elsewhere. It’s essential to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks when making your decision.

Reduce Risk While Traveling

Finally, no matter where you are traveling, you should try to reduce your risk while there. This is even more important when traveling to a place where extra caution is warranted.

First, plan your itinerary carefully. This means avoiding areas that are known to be dangerous, staying in well-lit and populated areas at night, and taking precautions such as not wearing expensive jewelry or carrying large amounts of cash. Most of this is common sense. It’s also not wise to call any attention to being a tourist as this can draw danger in some areas.

Second, consider travel insurance. If you decide to visit a potentially unsafe destination, it’s important to consider travel protections. This can provide coverage for medical emergencies, trip interruptions, and lost/stolen belongings. Not all insurance is created equal so be sure to research your options before paying.

Finally, stay informed while you’re there. Once you arrive at your destination, it’s important to stay informed about any changes in the area. This means keeping an eye on local news sources, checking in with your embassy or consulate, checking the state department travel notices for any changes, and remaining vigilant about your surroundings. While it would be uncommon for the situation to change while you are in the country, it can happen. Political unrest, major strikes, and disasters could occur and alter the safety situation rapidly.

Don’t Fall Victim to Recency Bias

The final point I want to bring up is not falling victim to recency bias. It’s a natural human tendency to weigh a recent event heavier than a large body of history. This can often make us feel somewhere is unsafe when it is actually very safe throughout the course of recent history. For this reason, it’s important to prioritize large scale statistics over recent news articles when deciding where to go. A similar bias routinely appears in news coverage. Sensational and unexpected stories frequently make the news. By their nature, stories that typically make the news are rare. On the opposite side of the spectrum, news stories about a murder in Chicago or Baltimore, for example, are rarer. These are unfortunately more common events and thus aren’t as newsworthy. Consider this when evaluating the relative safety of travel destinations.


Traveling to some vacation destinations requires careful consideration and planning. By researching the situation, evaluating your personal risk tolerance, understanding the specific risks, and considering the potential benefits you can make the best decision about traveling. Take steps in your research to ensure you are not inappropriately giving large amounts of bias to recent stories or sensational news. Finally, if you do travel somewhere where caution is warranted, take extra precautions. Ultimately, it’s important to prioritize your safety and well-being when making any travel decisions. Feeling comfortable about the situation will make your experience so much more enjoyable.

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